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* * Sarra Manning French Kiss: Diary of a Crush Book 1 US Orders
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Review Puffin, 2006 (2006) Paperback
In Europe, Edie Wheeler schemes to make Dylan fall wildly in love with her. (KS)

* * Adam Mansbach & Alan Zweibel Benjamin Franklin: Huge Pain In My … US Orders
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Review Hyperion, 2015 (2015) Hardcover, CD, e-Book
When Ike has to do an extra credit project for history he never thought he would have the power to influence the past, or that his letter to a famous historical person would actually reach said person. (JM)

* * * March for Our Lives Founders Glimmer of Hope: How Tragedy Sparked a Movement US Orders
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Review Razorbill, 2018 (2018) Hardcover, e-Book
This volume by March of Our Lives Founders details their activism against gun violence, and their feelings about what has been happening in a steady stream of U.S. school shootings. (HW)

* * * Melina Marchetta Finnikin of the Rock US Orders
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Review Candlewick, 2010 (2010) Hardcover
A brilliant, thrilling fantasy with heroic young leads of both sexes. (HW)

* * * Melina Marchetta Saving Francesca US Orders
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Review Knopf, 2004 (2003) Hardcover, Paperback, Audio, CD
Paints the story of a trying period in Francesca Spinelli's life - a read that tugs at the heart. (JL)