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* * * Crista McHugh Confessions Of A Queen B* US Orders
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Review Amazon, 2015 (2015) Softcover, e-Book
High school aged readers will enjoy reading about Alexis Wyndham, the queen B* of not just her grade but her entire high school. (JM)

* * * Hilary McKay The Amber Cat US Orders
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Review Margaret K. McElderry, 2001 (1997) Paperback, Audio
When Robin Brogan comes down with chicken pox, he's lucky enough to have his best friend join him at the Bed and Breakfast run by his mother. (LS)

* * * Hilary McKay Dog Friday US Orders
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Review Margaret K. McElderry, 1997 (1995) Hardcover, Softcover, Audio, e-Book
Ten-year-old Robin Brogan's mother is called to the hospital where Robin is swaddled in bandages and sporting two black eyes. (LS)

* * * Hilary McKay Forever Rose US Orders
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Review Margaret K. McElderry, 2008 (2008) Hardcover
In the most recent book about the Casson family, Rose often finds herself alone in the house while her older siblings go about their lives. (LS)

* * * Hilary McKay Indigo's Star US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Margaret K. McElderry, 2006 (2004) Hardcover, Audio, e-Book
After recovering from mononucleosis, 12-year-old Indigo Casson returns to school. (LS)