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* * * Kelly Garrett The Last to Die US Orders
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Review Poisoned Pen, 2017 (2017) Softcover, e-Book
When Alex suggests a way to have some fun and make a little money, Harper's the first to agree. Of course, the break-ins he has planned might not be totally legal, but that's the thrill. (LS)

* * Maureen Garvie Lake Rules US Orders
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Review Key Porter, 2005 (2005) Paperback
An absorbing summer read, incorporating history, mystery, and environmental activism. (HW)

* * Ryan Gattis Kung Fu High School US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Harvest, 2005 (2005) Paperback
A gritty and raw account of a school in which violence is power, drugs are king, and people don't count. (HD)

* * * Rohan Gavin Knightley & Son US Orders
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Review Bloomsbury, 2014 (2014) Hardcover, e-Book
Darkus Knightley and his PI father take on a dastardly group of villains known as The Combination(BW)