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Valdes-Rodriguez -> van de Ruit -> Van Etten -> Vansant -> Vedral -> Velde -> Velmans -> Vincent -> von Ziegesar -> von Ziegesar

* * Rachel Vincent The Flame Never Dies: Well of Souls #2 US Orders
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Review Delacorte, 2016 (2016) Hardcover, Softcover, e-Book
A heart-tugging follow up to The Stars Never Rise(RM)

* * Rachel Vincent The Stars Never Rise US Orders
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Review Delacorte, 2015 (2015) Hardcover, e-Book
A unique combination of dystopian and paranormal. (RM)

* * * Virgil The Aeneid US Orders
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e-Book Project Gutenberg, 1995 Hardcover, Paperback, e-Book
After the fall of Troy, Prince Aeneas sets out on an epic journey, which ends in the founding of Rome. The Gods interfere in the affairs of men throughout. (HW)

* * J. Voelkel & P. Voelkel Middleworld: The Jaguar Stones US Orders
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Review Egmont, 2010 (2007) Hardcover, Softcover, CD, e-Book
Fourteen-year old Max meets the challenges of the Mayan Underworld and the Lords of Death with all the cunning and bravery of a hero. (LS)