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* * Michael P. Spradlin & Rainbow Buddy The Chase for the Chalice: Spy Goddess Volume 1 US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt TOKYOPOP, 2008 (2008) Softcover
An action manga for girls based on Spradlin's series. (RM)

* * * Michael P. Spradlin Keeper of the Grail: The Youngest Templar Book 1 US Orders
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Review Puffin, 2009 (2009) Paperback
A wonderful introduction to the crusades for younger readers. (RM)

* * * Michael P. Spradlin Trail of Fate: The Youngest Templar Book 2 US Orders
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Review Putnam, 2009 (2009) Hardcover, CD
An entertaining and educational historical adventure. (RM)

* * * Justin Springer The Art of Tron Legacy US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Disney, 2010 (2010) Hardcover
This collector's edition looks at the creation of the 2010 movie Tron Legacy and also presents a collection of never-before-available looks at the design and creation of the original Tron, made in 1982. (BW)