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* * * Jonathan Stroud The Amulet of Samarkand: The Bartimaeus Trilogy Book One US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Miramax, 2003 (2003) Hardcover, Audio, CD
Set in a London ruled by an aristocracy of magicians, this treasonous tale is delightfully told from the point of view of djinni Bartimaeus. (HW)

* * * Jonathan Stroud The Golem's Eye: The Bartimaeus Trilogy, Book 2 US Orders
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Review Miramax, 2004 (2004) Hardcover
This 2nd in the series has Nathaniel working against Kitty's Resistance group, while a 'golem' and an 'afrit' wreak havoc, and smart-aleck Bartimaeus looks on. (HW)

* * * Jonathan Stroud Heroes of the Valley US Orders
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Review Hyperion, 2009 (2009) Hardcover, CD
A wonderful original tale that deserves to be in the annals of the Icelandic Sagas. (AT)

* * * Jonathan Stroud Ptolemy's Gate: The Bartimaeus Trilogy, Book 3 US Orders
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Review Miramax, 2006 (2006) Hardcover, CD
In this 3rd in the trilogy, we learn more of Bartimaeus' history, while demons plot revenge on magicians foolish enough to try to win power through them. (HW)

* * Jonathan Stroud The Screaming Staircase: Lockwood & Co. US Orders
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Review Hyperion, 2014 (2014) Hardcover, e-Book
There is a problem in London, a problem that can only be dealt with by young individuals with special supernatural powers. (JM)