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* * Melody Carlson Beyond Reach: The Secret Life of Samantha McGregor US Orders
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Review Multnomah, 2007 (2007) Softcover
This 2nd in the Samantha McGregor series is a first-person narrative from a Christian teen with some interesting problems. (JW)

* * Melody Carlson Mexico: Notes from a Spinning Planet US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt WaterBrook Press, 2007 (2007) Softcover
In this 3rd in the series, Maddie Chase joins her Aunt Sid on a post-Christmas vacation in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. (JW)

* * Melody Carlson Miranda's Story: Degrees of Guilt US Orders
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Review Tyndale, 2003 (2003) Paperback
One of a trilogy, in each of which different high school students feel responsible for the death of fellow student Sammy. (MP)

* * * Melody Carlson Payback: The Secret Life of Samantha McGregor US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Multnomah, 2008 (2008) Softcover
In this 4th in the series, Samantha works with her deceased father's police partner, Ebony, to stop a terrorist killing at a prom that she's seen in one of her visions. (JW)

* * Melody Carlson Playing with Fire: Secret Life of Samantha McGregor US Orders
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Review Multnomah, 2007 (2007) Softcover
In this 3rd in the series, Sam's world is whipped into confusion, and it all seems to do with the rampant drug use in Brighton. (JW)