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* * Tadashi Kawashima & Adachitoka The Final Evolution: Alive 1 US Orders
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Review Del Rey, 2007 (2007) Softcover
A dark, psychological horror manga with lots of blood but not much gore. (RM)

* * Alan Kay Send 'Em South: Young Heroes of History US Orders
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Review White Mane, 2001 (2001) Paperback
In this first of a series on the American Civil War, a runaway slave flees Georgia with his daughter Lisa, who seeks help in Boston from two Irish immigrant cousins. (AH)

* * Edward Kay STAR Academy US Orders
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Review Doubleday, 2009 (2009) Softcover
After 11-year-old genius Amanda Forsythe is invited to join the STAR Academy, she discovers there's something very wrong with the superschool. (HW)

* * Jim Kay The Great War: Stories Inspired by Items from the First World War US Orders
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Review Candlewick, 2015 (2015) Hardcover, CD, e-Book
Eleven writers agreed to create short stories for this unusual collection which is constructed around artifacts from World War I. (BW)