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* * Annie Solomon Blackout US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Warner, 2006 (2006) Paperback
A nightmare-plagued amnesiac suspected of murder and an anti-terrorist agent, in a wild chase. (MB)

* * * Annie Solomon Blind Curve US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Warner, 2005 (2005) Paperback
Orientation and Mobility instructor Martha Crowe helps undercover cop Danny Sinofsky deal with his sudden blindness ... and tries to keep them both alive. (MB)

* * Annie Solomon Dead Ringer US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Warner, 2003 (2003) Paperback
To find missing plutonium, Agent Finn Carver must convince a 'party girl' to infiltrate the home and heart of a rich tycoon. (MB)

* * Annie Solomon Dead Shot US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Warner, 2007 (2007) Paperback
Gillian Grey - who has been obsessed with death since she witnessed her mother's brutal murder as a child - challenges her mother's killer on national television to 'come and get me'. (MB)

* * * Annie Solomon Like A Knife US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Warner, 2003 (2003) Paperback
Damaged by witnessing her mother's murder as a child, Rachel runs a charity preschool, with help from new handyman Nick who has his own past demons - a fast-paced thriller about love and redemption. (RS)