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* * Annie Solomon One Deadly Sin US Orders
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Review Forever, 2009 (2009) Paperback, e-Book
A well-written, fast-paced, character rich and compelling suspense that you'll want to finish in a single sitting. (MB)

* * * Annie Solomon Tell Me No Lies US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Warner, 2004 (2004) Paperback
Missing Russian treasury money, a young woman thirsting for revenge, and a cop in the line of fire. (MB)

* * Annie Solomon Two Lethal Lies US Orders
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Review Forever, 2010 (2010) Paperback
Neesy Brown does not believe that Mitch Turner is a cold-blooded killer - and sets out to prove it. (MB)

* * Nicholas Sparks The Choice US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Grand Central, 2007 (2007) Hardcover, Audio, CD
A contemporary romance with a though provoking twist, that raises a tough question, 'how far should you go in the name of love?(HW)

* * * Nicholas Sparks Nights in Rodanthe US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Warner, 2003 (2002) Hardcover, Paperback, Audio, CD, e-Book
A mother shares with a grieving, widowed daughter her own tale of love and loss, with echoes of responsibility to those who remain. (HW)