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* * Melissa Senate The Breakup Club US Orders
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Review Red Dress Ink, 2006 (2006) Paperback
A foursome forms a supportive network - 'The Breakup Club' - as each recovers from relationship meltdowns and moves on to the best of their ability. (SB)

* * Melissa Senate The Love Goddess Cooking School US Orders
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Review Simon & Schuster, 2010 (2010) Softcover, e-Book
An endearing story of family, friends, and learning to listen to your heart - the recipe for a good read. (JB)

* * Melissa Senate The Secret of Joy US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Downtown Press, 2009 (2009) Paperback
This refreshing storyline has it all from passion and betrayal to friendship and learning about one's self. (KA)

* * * Jill Shalvis Simply Irresistible: Lucky Harbor US Orders
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Review Grand Central, 2010 (2010) Paperback
When Maddie Moore and her 2 half-sisters see the dilapidated inn her mom left to them, they decide it needs some work - the contractor Maddie calls turns out to be the same guy she ran off the road. (KA)