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* * * Amanda Scott Reiver's Bride: The Secret Clan US Orders
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Review Warner, 2003 (2003) Paperback
Kit Chisholm comes home to find that his uncle Eustace has usurped his title and is about to marry his fianc9e. (RS)

* Amanda Scott Seduced by a Rogue US Orders
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Review Forever, 2010 (2010) Paperback, e-Book
In an attempt to force a neighboring landowner to repay a debt to Robert Maxwell's family, the young man kidnaps his adversary's daughter, Lady Mairi, planning to return the comely young woman after Dunwythie settles the debt. (BW)

* * Bronwyn Scott A Lady Risks All: Ladies of Impropriety US Orders
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Review Harlequin, 2013 (2013) Paperback, e-Book
Who would have ever thought billiards could be so seductive and entertaining to wind a romance around? (WP)

* * Veronica Scott Priestess of the Nile US Orders
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Review Carina Press, 2012 (2012) e-Book
A short, sweet novella about a romance between Sobek, the crocodile God of Egypt, and Merys, the last priestess of his temple. (WP)