A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Sadowsky -> Saknussemm -> Salters -> Sandford -> Sandford -> Sandford -> Sandford -> Sansom -> Sansom -> Santangelo -> Santora -> Saul -> Saunders -> Sawyer -> Saylor -> Schaffhausen -> Schatzing -> Schlink -> Schneider -> Schutt -> Scott -> Scott -> Scottoline -> Scottoline -> Scottoline -> Scuro -> Seeck -> Sewell -> Shaber -> Shaw -> Shaw -> Shefchik -> Sheldon -> Shelton -> Shelton -> Shepard -> Shields -> Short -> Sidor -> Siegel -> Sierra -> Siger -> Siger -> Sigurdardottir -> Sigurdardottir -> Silbert -> Silva -> Silva -> Simenon -> Simmons -> Simon -> Simon -> Simon -> Simonson -> Simpson -> Singer -> Sjowall -> Skibbins -> Slater -> Slaughter -> Slaughter -> Slaughter -> Slaughter -> Slaughter -> Smiley -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Soule -> Spencer-Fleming -> Spencer-Fleming -> Spillane -> Spindler -> Spring -> Sprinkle -> Stabenow -> Stabenow -> Stabenow -> Stabenow -> Staeger -> Stanley -> Stansberry -> Stark -> Starling -> Staub -> Staub -> Stein -> Steiner -> Stephens -> Stevens -> Stevens -> Stevenson -> Stewart -> Strieber -> Stroby -> Stuckart -> Sullivan -> Sussman -> Swain -> Swann -> Swanson -> Swierczynski |
Max Seeck |
The Witch Hunter |

Berkley, 2020 (2020) |
Softcover, e-Book |
In this convoluted mystery set in Finland, a series of gruesome murders mirror the killings described in a psychological thriller trilogy, The Witch Hunter. (HW) |
Stephen Seitz |
Sherlock Holmes and the Plague of Dracula |

Mountainside Press, 2006 (2006) |
Paperback |
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are once again back on the trail of a villain, from London to Transylvania and back again. (MS) |
Moris Senegor |
Mark to Murder: Death in Budapest |

CreateSpace, 2018 (2018) |
Softcover, e-Book |
Mark Kent flies from San Francisco to Budapest at the request of an old school buddy, only to find his friend dead in his hotel room's bathtub. (MS) |
Tina Seskis |
One Step Too Far |

William Morrow, 2015 (2015) |
Hardcover, CD, e-Book |
What made Emily walk out of her life and what taints her happiness in her new one? (MS) |