A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Sadowsky -> Saknussemm -> Salters -> Sandford -> Sandford -> Sandford -> Sandford -> Sansom -> Sansom -> Santangelo -> Santora -> Saul -> Saunders -> Sawyer -> Saylor -> Schaffhausen -> Schatzing -> Schlink -> Schneider -> Schutt -> Scott -> Scott -> Scottoline -> Scottoline -> Scottoline -> Scuro -> Seeck -> Sewell -> Shaber -> Shaw -> Shaw -> Shefchik -> Sheldon -> Shelton -> Shelton -> Shepard -> Shields -> Short -> Sidor -> Siegel -> Sierra -> Siger -> Siger -> Sigurdardottir -> Sigurdardottir -> Silbert -> Silva -> Silva -> Simenon -> Simmons -> Simon -> Simon -> Simon -> Simonson -> Simpson -> Singer -> Sjowall -> Skibbins -> Slater -> Slaughter -> Slaughter -> Slaughter -> Slaughter -> Slaughter -> Smiley -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Soule -> Spencer-Fleming -> Spencer-Fleming -> Spillane -> Spindler -> Spring -> Sprinkle -> Stabenow -> Stabenow -> Stabenow -> Stabenow -> Staeger -> Stanley -> Stansberry -> Stark -> Starling -> Staub -> Staub -> Stein -> Steiner -> Stephens -> Stevens -> Stevens -> Stevenson -> Stewart -> Strieber -> Stroby -> Stuckart -> Sullivan -> Sussman -> Swain -> Swann -> Swanson -> Swierczynski |
Paige Shelton |
The Stolen Letter |

Minotaur, 2020 (2020) |
Hardcover, e-Book |
In this 5th in the series, Delaney returns from her honeymoon to learn that the bookshop is about to be closed, and to meet her doppelganger, who claims to be a reincarnation of Mary, Queen of Scots. (HW) |
Paige Shelton |
Thin Ice: Alaska Wild #1 |

Minotaur, 2019 (2019) |
Hardcover, CD, e-Book |
In this 1st in a new series, thriller author Elizabeth Fairchild is on the run from a stalker who kidnapped her, and has fled to remote Benedict, Alaska. (HW) |
Paige Shelton |
Winter's End: Alaska Wild #4 |

Minotaur, 2022 (2022) |
Hardcover, CD |
This 4th in the series involves a feud between families, a Romeo and Juliet relationship, a murder, a missing baby - and more. (HW) |
Jane Shemilt |
The Daughter |

William Morrow, 2015 (2015) |
Hardcover, Softcover, e-Book |
This mesmerizing psychological thriller follows the story of a missing girl whose disappearance is compounded by the fact that her family didn't fully understand who the teenager truly was. (BW) |