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* * Sheila Simonson Buffalo Bill's Defunct: A Latouche County Mystery US Orders
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Review Perseverance Press, 2008 (2008) Paperback
Native American artifacts come on the market – stolen ones. (MS)

* * Sheila Simonson Call Down the Hawk: A Latouche County Mystery US Orders
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Review Perseverance Press, 2017 (2017) Softcover, e-Book
Undersheriff Rob Neill investigates when Frank August's body is uncovered by a bulldozer working in an orchard. (MS)

* * Sheila Simonson An Old Chaos: A Latouche County Mystery US Orders
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Review Perseverance Press, 2009 (2009) Paperback
A predictable landslide wipes out houses and people in its path. (MS)

* * Shelia Simonson Beyond Confusion: A Latouche County Library Mystery US Orders
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Review Perseverance Press, 2013 (2013) Softcover
Meg McLean, head of the Columbia Gorge Library, is under suspicion in the death of one of the librarians. (MS)