A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Sadowsky -> Saknussemm -> Salters -> Sandford -> Sandford -> Sandford -> Sandford -> Sansom -> Sansom -> Santangelo -> Santora -> Saul -> Saunders -> Sawyer -> Saylor -> Schaffhausen -> Schatzing -> Schlink -> Schneider -> Schutt -> Scott -> Scott -> Scottoline -> Scottoline -> Scottoline -> Scuro -> Seeck -> Sewell -> Shaber -> Shaw -> Shaw -> Shefchik -> Sheldon -> Shelton -> Shelton -> Shepard -> Shields -> Short -> Sidor -> Siegel -> Sierra -> Siger -> Siger -> Sigurdardottir -> Sigurdardottir -> Silbert -> Silva -> Silva -> Simenon -> Simmons -> Simon -> Simon -> Simon -> Simonson -> Simpson -> Singer -> Sjowall -> Skibbins -> Slater -> Slaughter -> Slaughter -> Slaughter -> Slaughter -> Slaughter -> Smiley -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Smith -> Soule -> Spencer-Fleming -> Spencer-Fleming -> Spillane -> Spindler -> Spring -> Sprinkle -> Stabenow -> Stabenow -> Stabenow -> Stabenow -> Staeger -> Stanley -> Stansberry -> Stark -> Starling -> Staub -> Staub -> Stein -> Steiner -> Stephens -> Stevens -> Stevens -> Stevenson -> Stewart -> Strieber -> Stroby -> Stuckart -> Sullivan -> Sussman -> Swain -> Swann -> Swanson -> Swierczynski |
Daniel Silva |
The Black Widow |

Harper, 2016 (2016) |
Hardcover, CD, e-Book |
Art restorer, assassin and super spy Gabriel Allon must confront an adversary, his equal, in this electrifying thriller that stretches from the bloodied streets of Paris to the sunny island of Santorini, Greece, Israel, and Washington, D.C.. (BW) |
Daniel Silva |
The English Girl |

Harper, 2013 (2013) |
Hardcover, CD, e-Book |
When Madeline Hart, a brilliant and beautiful young woman who works at the headquarters of Britain's governing party and is the British prime minister's mistress, is kidnapped, Gabriel Allon is enlisted to rescue her. (BW) |
Daniel Silva |
The Fallen Angel |

Harper, 2013 (2013) |
Hardcover, Softcover, Paperback, e-Book |
Art restorer and former covert agent Gabriel Allon is back again in this realistic thriller that forces the reluctant spy to return to the realm of international conspiracies. (BW) |
Daniel Silva |
The Heist |

Harper, 2014 (2014) |
Hardcover, CD, e-Book |
Art restorer Gabriel Allon is approached to find a missing masterpiece – Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence, painted by Carravaggio and considered one of the finest works of art in the world. (MS) |
Daniel Silva |
Moscow Rules |

Putnam, 2008 (2008) |
Hardcover, Audio, CD, e-Book |
Israeli art restorer/superspy Gabriel Allon seeks to make contact with the beautiful wife of a multinational arms dealer, who sells advanced weapons to terrorists. (HW) |