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* * B. K. Smith Something Down the Road US Orders
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Review Livingston, 2002 (2002) Paperback
What motivates a serial killer? This novel explores what triggers such a murderer in Sweet Springs, Alabama. (AH)

* * * Brad Smith Busted Flush US Orders
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Review Picador, 2006 (2005) Hardcover, Softcover
A fun book that proves there are still some people who are willing to take the time to smell the roses, and wise enough to outwit the bad guys at their own game. (MS)

* * Cynthia Smith Royals and Rogues US Orders
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Berkley, 1998 (1998) Paperback
Glamorous Private Resolver Emma Rhodes operates in high society, and fixes problems for a fee. Her client this time is a philanthropist whose sixth sense tells him that something is wrong with his Russian investment. Frivolous, frothy and fun. (HW)

* * Cynthia Smith Silver and Guilt US Orders
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Berkley, 1998 (1998) Paperback
It starts in Sotheby's. Private Resolver Emma Rhodes races (in a series of elegant ball gowns) against the clock to recover a silver candelabra and solve a murder. (HW)