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O'Brien -> O'Connor -> Odanaka -> Ogden -> Oke -> Oliver -> Oram -> Osborne -> Osborne -> Osborne -> Oxenbury

* * Charles Ogden & Rick Carton Mischief Manual: Edgar & Ellen US Orders
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Review Aladdin, 2007 (2007) Softcover
The rambunctious twins offer 'An Expert's Guide to Planning, Perpetrating, & Plausibly Denying All Pranks Great & Small (but mostly Great)'. (HW)

* * Charles Ogden Pet's Revenge: Edgar & Ellen US Orders
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Review Aladdin, 2006 (2006) Hardcover
Though 12-year-old trickster twins Edgar & Ellen have been harrassing the one-eyed furball big time, they don't anticipate Pet's Revenge(HW)

* * Charles Ogden Rare Beasts: Edgar & Ellen US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Aladdin, 2005 (2006) Hardcover
Evil twins, Edgar and Ellen, spend their days fighting with each other and plotting mischief to torment the townsfolk. (LS)

* * Debbie Ridpath Ohi Where Are My Books? US Orders
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Review Simon & Schuster, 2015 (2015) Hardcover, e-Book
Spencer loves his books and keeps them in a special place in his bedroom. Imagine his surprise and shock when he begins to notice that each morning when he wakes up one of his favorite books is missing. (BW)