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O'Brien -> O'Connor -> Odanaka -> Ogden -> Oke -> Oliver -> Oram -> Osborne -> Osborne -> Osborne -> Oxenbury

* * * Mary Pope Osborne Haunted Castle on Hallows Eve: Magic Tree House #30 US Orders
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Review Random House, 2003 (2003) Hardcover
In this 2nd of The Merlin Missions, Jack, Annie, and impulsive sorceror's apprentice Teddy must bring order to a haunted castle. (HW)

* * Mary Pope Osborne & Sal Murdocca High Tide in Hawaii: Magic Tree House #28 US Orders
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Review Random House, 2003 (2003) Hardcover, Softcover
Jack and Annie find special magic - 'the magic of friendship' - in old Hawaii. (JL)

* * Mary Pope Osborne Night of the New Magicians: A Stepping Stone Book US Orders
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Review Random House, 2006 (2006) Hardcover
Annie and Jack are sent to 1889 Paris to warn 4 magicians of an evil sorcerer, who wants to steal their secrets (illustrated by Sal Murdocca). (JL)

* * * Mary Pope Osborne & Natalie Pope Boyce Pilgrims: Magic Tree House Research Guide US Orders
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Review Random House, 2005 (2005) Hardcover, Paperback
A non-fiction companion to the Magic Tree House episode Thanksgiving on Thursday(JL)

* * * Mary Pope Osborne & Bonnie Christensen Pompeii: Lost and Found US Orders
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Review Knopf, 2006 (2006) Hardcover
This account of the 79 A.D. eruption of Mount Vesuvius is aptly illustrated in the style of ancient Roman frescoes (wall paintings). (HW)