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O'Brien -> O'Connor -> Odanaka -> Ogden -> Oke -> Oliver -> Oram -> Osborne -> Osborne -> Osborne -> Oxenbury

* * Janette Oke & Corbert Gauthier I Wonder ... Did Jesus Have a Pet Lamb? US Orders
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Review Bethany, 2004 (2004) Hardcover
Allows children to stretch their imaginations about the boyhood of Jesus. (MP)

* * Jules Older & Michael Lauritano Snowmobile: Bombardier's Dream Machine US Orders
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Review Charlesbridge, 2012 (2012) Hardcover, Softcover
A Junior Library Guild Selection, this illustrated biography for young readers focuses on the life of Joseph-Armand Bombardier and his single-minded effort to create a vehicle that would enable people to get around in snow covered areas. (BW)

* * Nicholas Oldland The Busy Beaver US Orders
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Review Kids Can, 2011 (2011) Hardcover
Beaver is a hard worker, but he's careless. (LS)

* * * Sara O'Leary & Julie Morstad This is Sadie US Orders
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Review Tundra, 2015 (2015) Hardcover
This delightful picture book does a beautiful job of celebrating the joy of a child's imagination and interior life. (HW)