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Mischief Manual: Edgar & Ellen    by Charles Ogden & Rick Carton order for
Mischief Manual
by Charles Ogden
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Aladdin, 2007 (2007)
* *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

The Edgar & Ellen series appeals to the rebel in every child - and adult. Now fans can enjoy the duo's Mischief Manual. Calling all pranksters, the rambunctious twins offer 'An Expert's Guide to Planning, Perpetrating, & Plausibly Denying All Pranks Great & Small (but mostly Great)'.

Chapter headings like Preparing for Pandemonium and Mayhem Menagerie are amusing in themselves. Then open up Pranksters at the Gates and take the quiz to find out if you're admitted to Mischievist training. Check out what category you fall into, from Shifty Schemer to Gutsy Gambler (I like the Sneakster myself). Handy preparation tips include 'Know your plan like you know your own sneer'. There are sample cover stories, Confusor comments like 'Are you picking up any zero-point singularities?', and advice on choice of lair. Finally, after studying hard, test yourself on the (multiple choice) Final Exam. Did you Flunk or Fly?

This Mischief Manual offers farcical fun for Edgar & Ellen fans - and don't miss the Glossary of the language of misdeeds at the back, explaining technical terms like duck soup, gaffle and lullyprig.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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