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Walton -> Walton -> Warrington -> Watt-Evans -> Weber -> Weis -> Welch -> Wells -> West -> West -> What -> Wilkins -> Williams -> Willingham -> Wilson -> Wilson -> Wilson -> Wolfe -> Wood -> Wrede

* * Michelle M. Welch The Bright and the Dark US Orders
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Review Spectra, 2004 (2004) Paperback
This sequel to Confidence Game continues the stories of Sage Elzith; Julian of Biora; and Aron, son of Lord Justice Jannes of conquering Dabion. (JL)

* * Michelle M. Welch Chasing Fire US Orders
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Review Spectra, 2005 (2005) Paperback, e-Book
In this 3rd in The Five Countries series, chapters go back and forth through the years and cast of the story, the plague continues, and war is imminent. (JL)

* * Dan Wells The Devil's Only Friend US Orders
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Review Tor, 2015 (2015) Hardcover, Softcover, CD, e-Book
In this 4th in the series, John Wayne Cleaver works for a secret FBI agency, hunting demons, whose fellows killed almost everyone close to him. (HW)