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* * * Michelle West Sea of Sorrows US Orders
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Review Daw, 2001 (2001) Paperback
4th book in the Sun Sword saga, it moves the story ahead on all fronts and takes Margret of the Arkosa and Serra Diora into the Sea of Sorrows. A series that rivals Jordan's Wheel of Time in both scope and quality. (HW)

* * Michelle West The Shining Court US Orders
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Review Daw, 1999 Paperback
This 3rd book in the Sun Sword series is centered among the tribes of the Voyani, the seer Jewel a'Terafin, and the demonic and human intrigues of the Shining Court. (WW)

* * * Michelle West Skirmish: House War #4 US Orders
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Review Daw, 2012 (2012) Hardcover, Paperback, e-Book
In this 4th in the series (which begins after The Sun Sword's conclusion and The Terafin's assassination) Jay must contend for the House Seat, a very risky business indeed. (HW)

* * * Michelle West The Sun Sword: Book Six US Orders
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Review Daw, 2004 (2004) Paperback
Resolves the main plot thread of the series, involving Valedan kai di'Leone, Serra Diora, and the battle for the Dominion. (HW)