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Walton -> Walton -> Warrington -> Watt-Evans -> Weber -> Weis -> Welch -> Wells -> West -> West -> What -> Wilkins -> Williams -> Willingham -> Wilson -> Wilson -> Wilson -> Wolfe -> Wood -> Wrede

* Leslie What Olympic Games US Orders
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Review Tachyon, 2006 (2006) Paperback
Sets ancient Greek gods - philandering Zeus and his devoted wife Hera - in modern-day society. (RM)

* * * T. H. White The Sword in the Stone US Orders
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Review Dell, 1978 (1938) Hardcover, Softcover, Paperback
The classic tale of young Wart's education at the hands of Merlyn, who lives backwards. Wart learns as a fish, bird and snake what it takes to be a king. (HW)

* * Kit Whitfield In Great Waters US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Del Rey, 2009 (2009) Softcover, e-Book
In a world in which Europe's rulers all share deepsman blood, a young merman is exiled to shore and trained to make a bid for the English crown, while a princess strives to survive and to avenge her murdered mother. (HW)

* * * Jack Whyte The Eagle: Camulod Chronicles US Orders
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Review Forge, 2006 (2006) Hardcover
This 9th (concluding) book in the series begins with Arthur forming his knights, and continues to his death in battle. (AT)

* * * Jack Whyte Uther US Orders
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Review Penguin, 2000 (2000) Hardcover
Story of Uther Pendragon, cousin to Merlyn and father to Arthur. Although contemperaneous with the Dream of Eagles series, Uther's viewpoint puts a totally different complexion on the same events. (WW)