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* * Charlotte Hughes Hot Shot US Orders
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Review Mira, 2002 (2002) Paperback
When veteran Atlanta detective Frankie Daniels is re-assigned to small town Purdyville, sparks fly with her new boss. (MB)

* * Sara Humphreys Tall Dark and Vampire US Orders
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Review Sourcebooks Casablanca, 2013 (2013)
This sweet love story between a human and a vampire has a mystery, action, intrigue and of course hot love scenes. (WP)

* * Sara Humphreys Unleashed: Amaveo Legend US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Sourcebooks Casablanca, 2011 (2011) Paperback
The 1st in a new series, introducing yet another heroine who's unaware of her background and a hero who needs her to fulfill the life bond, and who's also part of a brotherhood of paranormal shape shifters. (MB)

* * Loribelle Hunt Kiss of Twilight US Orders
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Review Carina Press, 2011 (2011) e-Book
Kara Stone is in love with Dupree Jackson, a hybrid who is beginning to lose himself to his demon half and who has an obsessive need to protect her. (WP)