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Hale -> Hall -> Hamlin -> Handeland -> Hannah -> Hansen -> Harlow -> Harper -> Harrison -> Hart -> Hauf -> Haymore -> Heitzmann -> Held -> Herkness -> Heyer -> Heyer -> Hiatt -> Hilaire -> Hill -> Hilton -> Holden -> Holquist -> HoneyB -> Howard -> Howard -> Hoyt -> Hughes -> Hunter -> Hutchinson

* * Michele Hauf Gossamyr US Orders
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Review Luna, 2005 (2005) Paperback
Part mortal Gossamyr de Wintershinn embarks on a dangerous quest to save the land of Faery from the evil machinations of 'The Red Lady'. (MB)

* * * Michele Hauf Seraphim US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Luna, 2004 (2004) Softcover
A young woman's quest for revenge leads to a destiny chosen for her long before her birth. (MB)

* * Rick Hautala The Demon's Wife US Orders
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Review JournalStone, 2013 (2013) Hardcover, Paperback, e-Book
After Claire McMullen falls hard for Samael, the demon sent by Satan to collect her soul - and he reciprocates - their love is put to the test by demonic minions sent to destroy them. (MB)

* * * Karen Hawkins The Book Charmer: Dove Pond #1 US Orders
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Review Simon & Schuster, 2019 (2019) Hardcover, Softcover, CD, e-Book
Two women take on the challenge of saving a town despite personal problems. (BL)