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* * * Lori Handeland Blue Moon US Orders
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Review St. Martin's, 2004 (2004) Paperback
No-nonsense officer Jessie is surrounded by mystifying men with outlandish theories, as her town suffers the escalating terror of constant wolf attacks. (RS)

* * Lori Handeland Crescent Moon: A Nightcreature Novel US Orders
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Review St. Martin's, 2006 (2006) Paperback
Diana Malone is determined to prove her late husband's theory that supernatural creatures exist, even though she herself has never been a true believer. (MB)

* * Lori Handeland Dark Moon US Orders
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Review St. Martin's, 2005 (2005) Paperback
In this 3rd in the series, after Elise's lab is attacked, she investigates a small Wisconsin town where over half the population has gone missing. (MB)

* * Lori Handeland The Mommy Quest US Orders
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Review Harlequin, 2006 (2006) Paperback
Dean Luchetti tries to deal with the high school sweetheart he thought he'd never see again, while awaiting adoption of a young boy who needs a mother. (ML)

* * Lori Handeland Shakespeare Undead US Orders
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Review Griffin, 2010 (2010) Softcover, e-Book
William Shakespeare, ancient vampire and necromancer, teams up with Kate Dymond to destroy a zombie army - and the powerful vampire who leads them. (HW)