A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Faherty -> Fairstein -> Fairstein -> Falco -> Farmer -> Faulks -> Fernandez -> Fesperman -> Fielding -> Fields -> Finder -> Finder -> Finn -> Finnis -> Fitzgerald -> Flander -> Flora -> Fluke -> Flynn -> Ford -> Forman -> Fowler -> Fowler -> Fowler -> Fox -> Francis -> Francisco -> Frates -> Frear -> Fredericks -> Freeman -> Freeman -> French -> French -> French -> French -> French -> French -> Friedman -> Frommer -> Fulmer -> Fusilli |
Dan Fesperman |
The Amateur Spy |

Vintage, 2009 (2008) |
Hardcover, Softcover, e-Book |
An aid worker in the world's trouble spots is coerced into becoming a spy in Iran. (MS) |
Dan Fesperman |
Layover in Dubai |

Vintage, 2011 (2010) |
Hardcover, Softcover, CD, e-Book |
Sam Keller, a pharmaceutical company auditor, is sent to Dubai, ostensibly to keep an eye on one of the company's top men - who soon disappears. Sam finds him shot to death. (MS) |