A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Faherty -> Fairstein -> Fairstein -> Falco -> Farmer -> Faulks -> Fernandez -> Fesperman -> Fielding -> Fields -> Finder -> Finder -> Finn -> Finnis -> Fitzgerald -> Flander -> Flora -> Fluke -> Flynn -> Ford -> Forman -> Fowler -> Fowler -> Fowler -> Fox -> Francis -> Francisco -> Frates -> Frear -> Fredericks -> Freeman -> Freeman -> French -> French -> French -> French -> French -> French -> Friedman -> Frommer -> Fulmer -> Fusilli |
Tana French |
Broken Harbour |

Hodder & Stoughton, 2012 (2012) |
Hardcover |
In this 4th Dublin murder squad mystery, brash murder squad veteran Mick 'Scorcher' Kennedy leads an investigation into a dreadful act of violence that leaves Patrick Spain and his 2 young children dead and his wife Jenny in intensive care. (HW) |
Tana French |
Faithful Place |

Viking, 2010 (2010) |
Hardcover, CD, e-Book |
The opening of a cold case forces undercover cop Frank Mackey to return and re-examine his dysfunctional roots in working class Faithful Place. (HW) |
Tana French |
In the Woods |

Viking, 2007 (2007) |
Hardcover, CD |
A slowly developing psychological thriller and police procedural, starring Rob Ryan and Cassie Maddox, detectives from the Dublin Murder Squad. (TD) |
Tana French |
The Likeness |

Viking, 2008 (2008) |
Hardcover |
In this 2nd in a series, Irish Detective Cassie Maddox goes undercover - as a murder victim who herself had assumed a previous undercover identity of Cassie's. (HW) |
Tana French |
The Secret Place: Dublin Murder Squad |

Viking, 2014 (2014) |
Hardcover, CD, e-Book |
Dublin Detectives Stephen Moran and Antoinette Conway investigate new evidence in a year old murder on the grounds of a private girls' school. (HW) |