A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Faherty -> Fairstein -> Fairstein -> Falco -> Farmer -> Faulks -> Fernandez -> Fesperman -> Fielding -> Fields -> Finder -> Finder -> Finn -> Finnis -> Fitzgerald -> Flander -> Flora -> Fluke -> Flynn -> Ford -> Forman -> Fowler -> Fowler -> Fowler -> Fox -> Francis -> Francisco -> Frates -> Frear -> Fredericks -> Freeman -> Freeman -> French -> French -> French -> French -> French -> French -> Friedman -> Frommer -> Fulmer -> Fusilli |
Jerrilyn Farmer |
Perfect Sax |

William Morrow, 2004 (2004) |
Hardcover |
After a gala fundraiser turns deadly (a server is killed and a valuable saxophone stolen) party planner Madeline Bean investigates. (MS) |
Christopher Farnsworth |
Flashmob |

William Morrow, 2017 (2017) |
Hardcover, CD, e-Book |
Fixer John Smith goes after the shooter (and those behind him) who targeted a bride he was hired to protect. (MS) |
John Farrow |
City of Ice |

HarperCollins, 2000 (1999) |
Hardcover, Paperback |
Montreal mysteries seem to be in vogue and Farrow, himself raised in the city, has joined the fray with a complex thriller involving biker gangs, the CIA and francophone police officer Cinq-Mars. A good read, if long winded at times. (HW) |
Jon Fasman |
The Geographer's Library |

Penguin, 2006 (2006) |
Hardcover, Paperback, CD |
An obscure professor's murder leads to the story of a chase after ancient objects. (BL) |