A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Faherty -> Fairstein -> Fairstein -> Falco -> Farmer -> Faulks -> Fernandez -> Fesperman -> Fielding -> Fields -> Finder -> Finder -> Finn -> Finnis -> Fitzgerald -> Flander -> Flora -> Fluke -> Flynn -> Ford -> Forman -> Fowler -> Fowler -> Fowler -> Fox -> Francis -> Francisco -> Frates -> Frear -> Fredericks -> Freeman -> Freeman -> French -> French -> French -> French -> French -> French -> Friedman -> Frommer -> Fulmer -> Fusilli |
Nicci French |
The Other Side Of The Door |

William Morrow, 2021 (2021) |
Softcover, e-Book |
This mystery alternates between Before and After a murder, involving likeable music teacher Bonnie Graham. (HW) |
Nicci French |
The Red Room |

Warner, 2002 (2001) |
Hardcover, Paperback, e-Book |
After being attacked by Michael Doll, Dr. Kit Quinn becomes obsessed with the case of the murder of a young runaway, of which he is suspected. Her lateral thinking brings up new connections amongst a series of deaths. (HW) |
Nicci French |
The Safe House |

Penguin, 1999 (1998) |
Hardcover, Paperback, Audio |
Dr. Sam Laschen, a specialist in post-traumatic stress disorder, is persuaded to provide sanctuary in her new home in Essex to a young victim. This has interesting multi-dimensional characters and a plot that unpeels like an onion! (HW) |
Nicci French |
Secret Smile |

Warner, 2004 (2004) |
Hardcover, Audio, CD, e-Book |
A brief, unfortunate fling opens the door to nightmare territory for Miranda, her family and friends. (HW) |
Nicci French |
Sunday Silence |

William Morrow, 2018 (2018) |
Hardcover, Softcover, e-Book |
In this 7th in the series, body is found beneath the floorboards of Frieda's house, and her friends are attacked, one by one. (HW) |