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Fabry -> Farrington -> Ferreras -> Firouz -> Fitzhugh -> Flagg -> Flagg -> Flook -> Forster -> Fowler -> Frank -> Frank -> Frankel -> Fraser -> Freeman -> Freund

* * Anahita Firouz In the Walled Gardens: A Novel US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Back Bay, 2003 (2002) Hardcover, Paperback
Presents to the reader Iran in the time of the Shah from a variety of different perspectives, that reveal a society simmering towards revolution. (HW)

* Maribeth Fischer The Life You Longed For US Orders
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Review Touchstone, 2008 (2007) Hardcover, Softcover, e-Book
When a mother of three is accused of Munchausen by Proxy, her very sick three-year-old is removed from her care. (LW)

* * Tim Fish Strugglers US Orders
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Review Poison Press, 2006 (2006) Softcover
Post-college, Tighe heads to St. Louis, struggling to make new friends, to find jobs and a stable place to live. (LE)

* * Janet Fitch Paint in Black US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Little, Brown & Co., 2006 (2006) Hardcover
A story that offers interesting perspectives about grief and the nature of love. (HD)