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Dianne Emley The Deepest Cut
Dianne Emley Love Kills
J. F. Englert A Dog at Sea: A Bull Moose Dog Run Mystery
Hallie Ephron Come and Find Me: A Novel of Suspense
Hallie Ephron Night Night, Sleep Tight
Hallie Ephron Night Night, Sleep Tight
Hallie Ephron You'll Never Know, Dear
Tom Epperson Sailor
KJ Erickson The Last Witness
Kjell Eriksson Black Lies, Red Blood
Kjell Eriksson The Deathwatch Beetle: Ann Lindell #9
Kjell Eriksson The Demon of Dakar
Kjell Eriksson The Hand That Trembles
Kjell Eriksson Open Grave
Kjell Eriksson Stone Coffin
Otho Eskin Head Shot: Marko Zorn #2
Otho Eskin Head Shot: Marko Zorn #2
Maggie Estep Flamethrower
Loren D. Estleman Brazen: A Valentino Mystery
Loren D. Estleman Cape Hell: A Page Murdock Novel
Loren D. Estleman The Left-Handed Dollar: Amos Walker #20
Loren D. Estleman The Lioness is the Hunter: An Amos Walker Mystery
Loren D. Estleman Shoot: A Valentino Mystery
Loren D. Estleman A Smile on the Face of the Tiger
Loren D. Estleman Wild Justice: A Page Murdock Novel