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Austin Wright Tony and Susan
Eric Wright Buried in Stone: A Mel Pickett Mystery
Eric Wright Death on the Rocks
Nancy Means Wright Midnight Fires: A Mystery with Mary Wollstonecraft
Nancy Means Wright The Nightmare: A Mystery with Mary Wollstonecraft
Allen Wyler Dead End Deal
Allen Wyler Dead Head
Allen Wyler Dead Ringer
Allen Wyler Deadly Errors
Patrica Wynn The Birth of Blue Satan
Anthony Wynne Murder of a Lady: A Scottish Mystery
Qiu Xiaolong Death of a Red Heroine
Qiu Xiaolong Don't Cry, Tai Lake: An Inspector Chen Novel
Qiu Xiaolong Enigma of China: An Inspector Chen Novel
Qiu Xiaolong The Mao Case
Qiu Xiaolong Shanghai Redemption: An Inspector Chen Novel
Richard Yancey The Highly Effective Detective Goes to the Dogs
Karin Yapalater An Hour to Kill
Raffi Yessayan 2 in the Hat
Raffi Yessayan Eight in the Box