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* * * Bess Taubman, Ernest Arroyo & Edward Cox, Jr. My Pearl Harbor Scrapbook 1941 US Orders
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Review Map Mania, 2014 (2014) Hardcover
A book that will appeal to all age groups interested in World War II and the attack on Pearl Harbor. (BW)

* * Marilyn Tausend, Chuck Williams & Maren Caruso Williams-Sonoma Mexican US Orders
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Review Simon & Schuster, 2004 (2004) Hardcover
These gastronomic delights are photographed in full-color, with accompanying recipes to please the eye as well as the palate. (MS)

* * Andy Taylor Wild Boy: My Life in Duran Duran US Orders
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Review Grand Central, 2008 (2008) Hardcover, e-Book
Andy Taylor belonged to one of the biggest bands in the 1980's - Duran Duran. This is his story. (LM)

* * * Dan Taylor The Parent Care Conversation US Orders
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Review Penguin, 2006 (2006) Softcover
A series of 'vital conversations between children and parents on the most important long-term care topics, ranging from what to with the parents' home and property to money and health concerns'. (MB)