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* * * Marvin Thomas Personal Village: How to Have People in Your Life by Choice, Not Chance US Orders
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Review Hara, 2003 (2000) Paperback
Explains concepts and methods for creating a personal community, with case studies. (JL)

* * Neris Thomas & India Knight Neris and India's Idiot-Proof Diet: A Weight-Loss Plan for Real Women US Orders
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Review Wellness Central, 2008 (2008) Hardcover
Honest, down-to-earth advice on losing weight based on a low-carb approach to dieting. (BD)

* * William J. Thomas The Dog Rules: (Damn Near Everything!) US Orders
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Review Key Porter, 2004 (2000) Hardcover, Softcover
An amusing account of life with a dog - a large border collie-Australian shepherd mix named Jake. (TI)

* * * Frank Thompson The Alamo: The Illustrated Story of the Epic Film US Orders
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Review Newmarket, 2003 (2003) Hardcover, Softcover
This companion book to the film, The Alamo, is so good that it stands alone, independent of the movie. (DP)