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* * Phyllis Pellman Good Fix-It and Enjoy-It!: All-Purpose, Welcome-Home Recipes US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Good Books, 2006 (2006) Softcover
A new and different cookbook to expedite your cooking time, and treat your tastebuds with the results. (MS)

* * Phyllis Pellman Good Fix-It and Enjoy-It!: Healthy Cookbook US Orders
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Review Good Books, 2009 (2009) Hardcover, Softcover
Offers '400 Great Stove-Top and Oven Recipes' from home cooks, selected and adapted with the help of 'nutritional expertise from Mayo Clinic'. (HW)

* * Phyllis Pellman Good Fix-It and Forget It Cookbook: Revised and Updated US Orders
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Review Good Books, 2010 (2010) Hardcover, Softcover
Drag out the slow cooker and get to work on 700 recipes. (MS)

* * Phyllis Pellman Good Fix-It and Forget-ItŪ Diabetic Cookbook: Slow Cooker Favorites -- to include Everyone! US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Good Books, 2005 (2005) Softcover
A great new cookbook geared for the diabetic but with recipes anyone could cherish. (MS)