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* * * Stuart Avery Gold Ping: A Frog in Search of a New Pond US Orders
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Review Newmarket, 2005 (2005) Hardcover
This delightful tale of the 'transformative journey' of Ping the frog incorporates valuable life lessons. (HW)

* * * Stan Goldberg Ready to Learn: How To Help Your Preschooler Succeed US Orders
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Review Oxford University, 2005 (2005) Hardcover
Explains to parents of young children how learning takes place; provides intervention strategies for problems; and addresses the emotional well-being of all involved. (HW)

* * Sacha Goldberger The Little Book of I Love You US Orders
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Review Chronicle, 2006 (2006) Hardcover
Conveys Cupid's message in all kinds of modern and surprisingly innovative ways (HW)

* * * David Goldblatt The Ball is Round: A Global History of Soccer US Orders
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Review Riverhead, 2008 (2008) Softcover
Takes a comprehensive look at the history and practice of the sport of soccer (or football) around the world. (AT)