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* * Paul Geraghty Help Me! US Orders
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Review Andersen, 2011 (2010) Hardcover, Softcover
Based on real, documented animal behavior, this story will astound both young readers and their parents. (BW)

* * * Carole Gerber & Christina Wald Little Red Bat US Orders
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Review Arbordale, 2010 (2010) Softcover
Calls attention to the intelligence and shyness of an oft-misunderstood species - as well as to decision-making and helpfulness - as the little red bat experiences the change in weather conditions. (JL)

* * Ana Gerhard & Cecilia Varela Listen to the Birds: An Introduction to Classical Music US Orders
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Review Secret Mountain, 2013 (2013) Hardcover
What better way to introduce a child to classical music than by relating it to song birds? (BW)

* * * Ana Gerhard & Claudia Legnazzi Simply Fantastic: An Introduction to Classical Music US Orders
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Review Secret Mountain, 2014 (2014) Hardcover
This marvelous picture book uses children's interest in imaginary beings to introduce them to classical music. (BW)