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Abe -> Adams -> Adelstein -> Alford -> Almond -> Anderson -> Asfar

* * Dan Asfar Ghost Hunters: Real Stories of Paranormal Investigators US Orders
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Review Ghost House, 2005 (2005) Paperback
An interesting and entertaining look at real ghost hunting across North America. (MB)

* * Dan Asfar Haunted Battlefields US Orders
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Review Ghost House, 2004 (2004) Softcover
19 stories about a bloody tapestry of military engagements that left haunts in their wake. (MB)

* * Tami Oldham Ashcraft & Susea McGearhart Red Sky in Mourning: A True Story of Love, Loss, and Survival at Sea US Orders
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Review Hyperion, 2002 (2002) Hardcover, Audio, CD
Tells of a harrowing sea voyage from Papeete en route to San Diego, of loss and of survival. (MS)

* * Gerald Asher A Vineyard in My Glass US Orders
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Review University of California, 2011 (2011) Hardcover, e-Book
If you enjoy wine and are interested in knowing more about some of the places in California and abroad where some of the best wines are produced, you'll find this book a fascinating read. (BW)