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* * Sherryl Woods Sand Castle Bay: Ocean Breeze US Orders
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Review Mira, 2013 (2013) Paperback, CD, e-Book
Emily Castle has been called home to help her family after a hurricane damaged her grandmother's restaurant - will she resume a relationship with the one she loved and left behind? (WP)

* * * Sherryl Woods Seaview Inn US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Mira, 2008 (2008) Paperback
Hannah Matthews heads to Seaview Inn to try to convince her 85-year-old grandmother to sell up and move to a retirement home, unaware that her old friend Luke Stevens will be renting a room there. (KA)

* * * Sherryl Woods A Slice of Heaven: The Sweet Magnolias US Orders
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Review Mira, 2007 (2007) Paperback
Dana Sue Sullivan has moved on with her life since finding out that her husband Ronnie cheated on her - but she's forced to call him after their anorexic daughter is rushed to hospital. (KA)

* * * Sherryl Woods Stealing Home: The Sweet Magnolias US Orders
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Review Mira, 2007 (2007) Paperback
The emotional drama of a woman who believed she had the perfect marriage but had her dreams shattered. (KA)

* * * Sherryl Woods Where Azaleas Bloom: A Sweet Magnolia Novel US Orders
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Review Mira, 2012 (2012) Hardcover, Paperback, CD, e-Book
Portrays two people struggling with the upheavals of life and finding a connection on which to build a long lasting love. (WP)