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* * Edie Claire Long Time Coming US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Warner, 2003 (2003) Paperback
Joy Hudson returns to her Kentucky hometown, where she must deal with feelings of guilt for her best friend's death. (KA)

* Edie Claire Meant to Be US Orders
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Review Warner, 2004 (2004) Paperback
On her birth mother's death, Meara is bequeathed an unwelcome inheritance and a mystery. (MB)

* * * Pamela Claire Hard Evidence US Orders
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Review Berkley, 2006 (2006) Paperback
Hot romance coupled with chills, thrills and plenty of page-turning action. (MB)

* * Cathy Clamp Forbidden US Orders
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Review Tor, 2015 (2015) Softcover, e-Book
In this new novel in the Sazi world, young Wolven agent Claire Evans is sent by the Council to investigate murky goings-on at Luna Lake. (HW)