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* * Brenda Wineapple White Heat: The Friendship of Emily Dickinson & Thomas Wentworth Higginson US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Anchor, 2009 (2008) Hardcover, Softcover, e-Book
An account of the master/pupil relationship between poet, Emily Dickinson, and abolitionist, Thomas Wentworth Higginson. (KT)

* * * Marty Wingate Perennials for the Pacific Northwest: 500 Best Plants for Flower Gardens US Orders
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Review Sasquatch Books, 2013 (2013) Softcover, e-Book
Beautifully designed with an abundance of color photos, this guide will be an instant hit with any gardener. (BW)

* * Mary Ann Winkowski When Ghosts Speak: Understanding the World of Earthbound Spirits US Orders
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Review Grand Central, 2007 (2007) Hardcover
A straightforward book explaining earth-bound spirits. (RM)

* * Steven Winn Come Back, Como: Winning the Heart of a Reluctant Dog US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Harper, 2009 (2009) Hardcover, e-Book
Steven Winn meets his match in a 'scraggly, man-hating terrier mix' they rename Como. (MS)