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Yamaguchi -> Yasuda -> Yeh -> Yolen -> Yolen -> Yolen -> Yolen -> Yolen -> Yolleck -> Yoon -> Yorinks -> Young

* * Anita Yasuda & Bryan Stone Explore ... Simple Machines! US Orders
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Review Nomad, 2011 (2011) Softcover
This book contains 25 projects that encourage the youngster to create simple machines that have few or even no moving parts but still manage to perform important functions. (BW)

* * Anita Yasuda & Bryan Stone Explore Flight!: With 25 Great Projects US Orders
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Review Nomad, 2013 (2013) Softcover
Teachers and parents homeschooling their children ages 6 and older will want to check out this excellent book that not only delves into the history of flight but also offers lots of hands-on projects and experiments. (BW)

* * Anita Yasuda & Alex Kim Explore the Wild West!: With 25 Great Projects US Orders
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Review Nomad, 2012 (2012) Softcover
There are 25 great projects in this book that will engage youngsters ages six and up and teach them about the rigors of living in the American West. (BW)

* * Louise Yates Dog Loves Books US Orders
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Review Knopf, 2010 (2010) Hardcover
This picture book embraces the magic of books and reading. (HD)