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* * * Melissa Wiley & Erwin Madrid The Prairie Thief US Orders
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Review Margaret K. McElderry, 2013 (2013) Softcover
Louisa Brody's pa has been accused of stealing! And now Louisa has to live the very people who accused him, the awful Smirches. (JM)

* * * Eloise Wilkin Eloise Wilkin Stories: A Little Golden Book Collection US Orders
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Review Golden Books, 2005 (1989) Hardcover, Softcover
A selection from the earlier books of the illustrator who is considered 'The Soul of Little Golden BooksŪ'. (JL)

* * * Eloise Wilkin Prayers for Children: A Big Little Golden Book US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Golden Books, 2006 (1952) Hardcover, Paperback
A selection of prayers and rhymes, accompanied by Wilkin's precious, winsome characters, that show the tenderness of a child's face and expression. (JL)

* * Esther Wilkin & Eloise Wilkin Baby's Christmas US Orders
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Review Golden Books, 2012 (1959) Hardcover, e-Book
What did Santa bring baby for Christmas? (LS)