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Ractliffe -> Ramsden -> Rappaport -> Raschla -> Ray -> Redbank -> Reed -> Reidy -> Reinhard -> Reiser -> Repchuck -> Reynolds -> Reynolds -> Reynolds -> RH/Disney -> Richards -> Riess -> Ring -> Ritter -> Robart -> Robertson -> Robinson -> Rock -> Rockwell -> Rockwell -> Rodriguez -> Rohmann -> Rooney -> Rosen -> Rosen -> Rosenthal -> Ross -> Roth -> Rowling -> Rubbino -> Ruddell -> Rumford -> Russell -> Ruurs -> Ruzzier -> Rylant -> Rylant -> Rylant

* * B. J. Reinhard & Shelly Hehenberger Sanji's Seed: A Story about Honesty US Orders
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Review Bethany, 2000 (2000) Hardcover
Magically illustrated (by Shelly Hehenberger) re-telling of an East Indian folktale, that teaches an important lesson. (HW)

* * * Matthew Reinhart & Robert Sabuda Dragons & Monsters: Encylopedia Mythologica US Orders
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Review Candlewick, 2011 (2011) Hardcover
This breathtaking grand finale to Candlewick's pop-up masters trilogy presents some of the monsters and dragons that have prowled mythology and literature for centuries. (BW)

* * * Matthew Reinhart A Pop-Up Guide to the Galaxy: Star Wars US Orders
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Review Scholastic, 2007 (2007) Hardcover
This 30th anniversary commemorative pop-up book is a gem for fans of all ages. (AT)

* * Ronald Reis Christopher Columbus: and the Age of Exploration for Kids US Orders
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Review Chicago Review Press, 2013 (2013) Softcover, e-Book
Featuring 21 hands-on activities, this book for children nine years of age and older tells the full story of Columbus' four voyages. (BW)

* * * Ronald Reis The US Congress for Kids: Over 200 Years of Lawmaking, Deal-Breaking, and Compromising US Orders
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Review Chicago Review Press, 2014 (2014) Softcover, e-Book
This well illustrated volume guides children ten years of age and older through the history of the U.S. Congress. (BW)