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Pack -> Palatini -> Palmer -> Paquette -> Paradis -> Parenteau -> Parish -> Parr -> Parr -> Parr -> Parr -> Pastis -> Paterson Jr. -> Patricelli -> Patricelli -> Patterson -> Paul -> Paulsen -> Pearce -> Pedersen -> Peet -> Penner -> Percival -> Perkins -> Perry -> Petersen -> Pett -> Pham -> Piercy -> Pinder -> Pinkwater -> Pinnington -> Pinto -> Pizzoli -> Platt -> Pockell -> Polacco -> Powell -> Pratchett -> Prelutsky -> Prelutsky -> Primavera -> Prosek -> Puck -> Pugsley

* * Ammi-Joan Paquette & Adam Record Elf in the House US Orders
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Review Candlewick, 2017 (2017) Hardcover, e-Book
When a little girl wakes up on Christmas Eve and sneaks downstairs to check on Santa's cookies, she finds only crumbs ... so she follows the trail. (HW)

* * Ammi-Joan Paquette & Adam Record Ghost in the House US Orders
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Review Candlewick, 2015 (2015) Hardcover, Softcover, CD
A little ghost slips through what appears to be an empty house and each sound it hears means the reader will have to investigate and check behind the flap featured on each page. (BW)