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Eastman -> Editors of YES Mag -> Edwards -> Edwards -> Ehlert -> Ehrhardt -> Einhorn -> Eliot -> Elliott -> Elliott -> Elya -> Emberley -> Engelbreit -> Ensor -> Ering -> Evans -> Evans -> Evanson

* * Ed Emberley Nighty Night, Little Green Monster US Orders
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Review Little, Brown & Co., 2013 (2013) Hardcover
This bedtime book will not only get your little monster in the mood for sleep, but it will most likely also become one of his or her most favorite books. (BW)

* * * Jonathan Emmett & Poly Bernatene The Princess and the Pig US Orders
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Review Walker, 2011 (2011) Hardcover
Children four years of age and older will love this silly tale of a baby swap. (BW)