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Sammon -> Schneider -> Seal -> Seierstad -> Shand -> Shulevitz -> Sites -> Solnit -> Spurr -> Stephens -> Sublette

* * * Janet E. Spurr Beach Chair Diaries US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Falmouth Heights, 2008 (2008) Softcover
A collection of essays designed to 'quench your thirst with memories of a warmer time(LW)

* * * State Coastal Conservancy San Francisco Bay Shoreline Guide: 2nd Edition US Orders
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Review University of California, 2012 (2012) Softcover
If you enjoy outdoor activities in the area that borders San Francisco Bay or know anyone who does, you'll want to get this new, updated, second edition. (BW)

* * * Ralph Steadman Untrodden Grapes US Orders
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Review Harcourt, 2005 (2005) Hardcover
This coffee table book presents a series of eclectic essays on winemaking around the world, accompanied by antic illustrations. (HW)

* * * Henry Stedman Kilimanjaro: The Trekking Guide to Africa's Highest Mountain US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Trailblazer, 2006 (2003) Paperback
An impressive, comprehensive resource for the trekker who plans to explore the 4 eco-zones on Africa's highest mountain. (HW)