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Laing -> Larsen -> Lee -> Lison -> Lonely Planet -> Lonely Planet -> Lonely Planet

* * Lonely Planet Lonely Planet Bluelist 2007: 2nd edition US Orders
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Review Lonely Planet, 2006 (2006) Softcover
This handy new edition offers both Bluelists of things to do and Golists, as well as a special feature on Dark Tourism, and summary World Profiles(HW)

* * * Lonely Planet Lonely Planet's Best Travel in 2009 US Orders
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Review Lonely Planet, 2008 (2008) Softcover
Details '850 Trends, Destinations, Journeys & Experiences for the Year Ahead'. (HW)

* * * Lonely Planet One People: many journeys US Orders
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Review Lonely Planet, 2005 (2005) Hardcover
A series of essays and photographs on universal themes reinforce the message that 'travel teaches us that we are all essentially the same'. (HW)

* * * Lonely Planet One Planet US Orders
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Review Lonely Planet, 2004 (2004) Hardcover
A collection of Lonely Planet images that is 'a celebration of life, of curiosity and the experience of travel.(HW)

* * Lonely Planet The Perfect Day: Lonely Planet Insider Secrets to 100 Cities US Orders
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Review Lonely Planet, 2006 (2006) Softcover
Travel writers share their insider tips as they reveal how they'd spend a perfect day in any one of a hundred cities. (BD)